RIIMPO317F Roller Training Toowoomba
RIIMPO317F Roller Training Course in Toowoomba and Darling Downs

Unit of Competency
RIIMPO317F Conduct civil construction roller operations (LR)
What is a roller?
A roller is a type of machinery that is used to compact materials such as sand, soil, and clean fill, usually as part of a civil construction or road project.
Whether you have previous experience or not on a Roller, Ag Training’s trainers work with you to deliver the best possible result.
Units/Aspects Covered:
This unit covers the conducting roller operations in the civil construction industry and includes:
- planning and preparing
- conducting machine pre-operational checks
- operating the machine
- selecting, removing and fitting attachments
- relocating the machine
- carrying out machine operator maintenance
- cleaning up.
Ag Training come to you
This involves going to your workplace and conducting an induction on the Roller, issuing training logbook and learners guide.
Trainees will be required to:
Answer the knowledge evidence questions and fulfil the evidence requirements competently.
Ag Training return to the workplace and conduct the theory (open book assessment) and practical assessment on the Roller.
Ready to enrol in our roller training course?
View all training, tickets and courses available
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