Certificate II & III courses in Rural Operations
Ag Training offer certificate II & III courses in Rural Operations that are nationally recognised training courses

Ag Training offer a range of certificates in Rural Operations and Civil Construction Machinery Operations in Toowoomba and the Darling Downs.
With a strong emphasis on practical, hands-on training, we understand the benefits of putting knowledge into practice. When undertaking a certificate course with Ag Training, you will learn practical skills in a work environment. Therefore, you will gain the confidence to operate machinery safely in the workforce.
To be involved in these industries you will be amazed at how many people have gained their practical skills through vocational education and training (VET) courses. You will become ‘job ready’ and increase your employment prospects by undertaking a certificate course and gaining a qualification. VET courses form part of recognised pathways to further education and training.
Ag Training maintains strong engagement with industry to ensure that our services remain relevant to the needs of employers and that graduates are job ready.
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Certificate courses available
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- RIIMPO319D Conduct Backhoe/Loader Operations (LB)
- RIIMPO323D Conduct civil construction dozer operations (LZ)
- RIIMPO320E Conduct civil construction excavator operations (LE)
- RIIMPO321E or RIIMPO322E Conduct civil construction tracked front end loader operations (LL)
- RIIMPO324E Conduct civil construction grader operations (LG)
- RIIMPO317E Conduct civil construction roller operations (LR)
- RIIMPO318E Conduct civil construction skid steer operations (LS)
- RIIWHS204D Work Safety at Heights
- RIIWHS202D Enter and Work in Confined Spaces